Milkweed to save Monarch Butterflies. If we provide the seeds, will you plant them?
During the pandemic, I planted milkweed to attract Monarch Butterflies.
It’s a mystery how these beautiful creatures navigate their migration thousands of miles over generations but it’s not news that the survival of Monarch Butterflies has been impacted severely by changes on our planet.
Entering 2023, reflecting on my gratitude for relationships with friends, colleagues, clients and the each member of our team, I want to share this experience with you.
Can we interest you in some seeds?
If you already received your seeds and just need instructions on how to grow Narrowleaf Milkweed click below
We want to gift you seeds to grow milkweed so you can experience what can only be described as miraculous.
One of my earliest memories growing up in Santa Cruz, California was standing in the middle of giant trees, my head arched so far back to look up that I had to hold my mom’s hand to keep from falling over. Up above, amidst the tips of trees marking streaks through rays of sunlight were millions of dancing red, orange, and black fluttering wings.

The Monarch Butterflies arrived predictably every season to “overwinter” along the coast specifically at Natural Bridges at the end of West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz. In the cool of winter nights, they would huddle together to conserve energy and keep from freezing but as the direct sunshine warmed their bodies, they would take flight, filling the sky with what seemed like millions of Monarch Butterflies. I recall telling my mom my favorite holiday was “The Butterflies”.
Now I have my own family, and each season I take my children to my childhood spot. Sadly, the butterflies are scant. My heart sinks, and I put on my best smile.
My daughters act impressed and excited for me, but we can’t escape the obvious. It wasn’t just my childhood imagination exaggerating the butterfly count into the millions, in contrast it’s near extinction.

If you’d like me to send you some seeds, click below to provide us your mailing address.
Max and Team MVP,
Good People Productions